What is it?
The sacrament of Holy Orders, which is often called ordination, is the sacrament by which the Church confers the grace to administer the sacraments on a particular person.
During the celebration of the sacrament the bishop places his hands on the head of the candidate who is to be ordained and prays that the Holy Spirit will come upon the person to assist them in their ministry of service.
Being a priest in Ossory
Priesthood in Ossory offers a diverse and challenging way of living a life devoted to God in service to his people. Ossory priests serve people in parishes, hospitals, schools, colleges and a wide range of care organisations.
Priests journey with people as they celebrate the beginning of life and as they mourn its ending. They bless the joyous love of couples at Marriage and nourish the steps of children, schools and families as people are prepared for First Confession, First Communion and Confirmation. They are a constant expression of Christ’s selfless love and grace as they minister to people at times of illness, personal crisis, isolation or despair.
The Eucharist, celebrated with the People of God, in church, chapel, classroom, or nursing home is the Christian Community’s source of life and our foretaste of the eternal life to come. It is also the central part of the life of the priest.
Find out more about applying to study to be a priest in Ossory
Contact the Vocations team
Diocesan Office
James Street